
World Heritage -
A Youthful Vision.

International Art Contest organised by
Municipality of Banská Štiavnica

ERB Banská Štiavnica UNESCO ROGNE

About the contest.

The drawing contest has been organised by the Municipality of Banská Štiavnica since 1995 and is for children from the World Heritage cities. The drawing contest is inspired by the inscription of the Historic Town of Banská Štiavnica and the Technical Monuments in its Vicinity to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1993. Every year we received an average of 2000 works from all over the world. The jury awards 3 best works in each category as well as certificates of honour. Awarded works exhibition opening takes place in June in Banská Štiavnica, later the exhibition is hosted by other World Heritage cities, such as Budapest in 2016 and 2017 or Luxemburg in 2018.



Thank you for all the beautiful artworks sent to the 2024 edition of the World Heritage - A Youthful Vision contest. The jury had a really hard work to choose the best ones.

Awarded artworks exhibiton opening takes place on 27 June 2024 at 10 in Banská Štiavnica, Námestie sv. Trojice 3 (Holy Trinity Square 3).

We are cordially inviting you to the event.


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